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If you love working with children, then maybe you have considered a career as a child psychologist. These professionals attend specifically to the psychological concerns of children, making it an exciting career choice for many students interested in child development and mental health.
Before you decide if this career path is the best choice for you, learn more about the job duties, educational requirements, and job outlook for child psychologists in this career overview.
A child psychologist is a type of psychologist who studies the mental, social, and emotional development of children. Typically, child psychologists look at development from the prenatal period through adolescence.
Some of the major topics of interest in this field of psychology include genetics, language development, personality, gender roles, cognitive development, sexual development, and social growth.
Child psychologists may work with a range of clients including infants, toddlers, children, and teens or they may specialize in working with a particular age group. No matter what population a child psychologist chooses, his or her focus will be on helping understand, prevent, diagnose and treat developmental, cognitive, social and emotional issues.
Some related career options include:
So what exactly does the average child psychologist do during a typical day? The answer to this question can vary a great deal depending upon exactly where a child psychologist works.
Some professionals counsel young clients in therapeutic situations while others work in research to explore different aspects of child psychology including giftedness and development disabilities. While specific job duties depend on where a child psychologist chooses to specialize, a few of the typical tasks may include:
While there are some opportunities in the field of child psychology with a master's degree, most people will find that job options are more plentiful at the doctoral level. There are some programs that offer a degree in child psychology, but many choose to earn a PhD or PsyD degree in either clinical or counseling psychology, which can take 4 to 7 years to complete.
The American Psychological Association reports that nearly 75% of all doctorate psychology degrees are PhDs, but the PsyD is becoming an increasingly popular option for those interested more in professional practice rather than research.
After earning a degree, child psychologists must complete a supervised clinical internship that usually lasts two years and then pass state and national tests in order to become licensed in the state they wish to work. For this reason, it is important to check with your state to determine the licensing requirements.
Child psychologists may be employed in a variety of settings including schools, courts, hospitals and mental health clinics. Those employed in school settings often diagnose learning disorders, counsel students, conduct assessments and work with families to help students cope with academic problems, social issues or disabilities.
Some individuals may work in court settings to help young clients who have come into contact with the criminal justice system, help prepare children to testify in court, or work with children in the middle of child custody disputes.
Child psychologists who work in hospitals or private mental health offices often work directly with clients and families to overcome or cope with psychological illnesses. These professionals evaluate clients, diagnose mental disorders, administer psychological tests and conduct therapy sessions among other things.
According to the Occupational Outlook Handbook published by the U.S. Department of Labor, the job outlook for psychologists is expected to grow faster than the average rate for all professions through the year 2026. Job prospects are expected to be the strongest for those who hold a doctorate degree in an applied specialty area. The increased awareness of child mental health should also help spur the demand for child psychologists.
Salaries for child psychologists can vary based upon geographic location, the sector of employment, educational background and years of experience in the field. The U.S. Department of Labor reports that the median salary for child psychologists is just over $76,990 a year, with salaries ranging from a low of $44,040 to a high of almost $130,000 for the top 10 percent.
Before you decide if a career as a child psychologist is right for you, spend some time considering the potential benefits and drawbacks of this profession. This can be an incredibly rewarding career, but it's important to assess your own interests and goals, and then consider how becoming a child psychologist might help you achieve your professional and personal aims.
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By Kendra Cherry, MSEd
Kendra Cherry, MS, is a psychosocial rehabilitation specialist, psychology educator, and author of the "Everything Psychology Book."